What's behind Automerge? (Part I)

12 min read


Operation Set

Operation Set (OpSet), as the name suggested, is a set of operations. It is the runtime data structure of Automerge, that enables the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of objects. The merging of two documents is conceptually the union of two operation sets.

Everytime we update, delete or create an object, we insert an operation into the OpSet. And the retrieval of an object is actually the retrieval of an operation of the OpSet.

Every operation in the operation set is associated with a timestamp which indicates the causal order of the operation. We use <couter, actorID> as the timestamp, which is a Lamport clock. In Automerge, the term “actor” is used instead of “replica”, but the two are essentially interchangeable. For the remainder of the document, we will refer to the timestamp of an operation as OpId (Operation ID).

Every Map or List object has an object ID, which is the OpId of the operation that creates the object. We use object ID to uniquelly identify an object in an Automerge document. The object ID of root is <0, 0>.

Operation Tree

With the growing number of operations in the OpSet, the time consumed for retrieval grows too. Therefore, we divided the OpSet into multiple Operation Tree (OpTree). An OpTree represents the set of operations associated with a specific object, so the number of OpTrees in an OpSet is equivalent to the number of objects in a document.

The reason why we use the term “Tree” is that we use a B-Tree to store it. But conceptually it is a table of operations.


We can begin with a document that includes the Map objects but excludes the List objects.

Basic Idea

Every time we insert a property into a map object, we create an operation like this:

Operation = {
    OpId: lamport clock after increment,
    ObjId: the objId of the map we're manipulating,
    Prop: the property name,
    action: "set {someValue}",

For example, if we do root.key = A,then we need to insert an operation like this:

	OpId: <1, 0>
	ObjId: <0, 0>
	Prop: "key",
	action: "set A"

When we query a property of a Map object, we simply retrieve the operation manipulating the Map object with highest OpId. That is to say, if we have two operations:

        OpId: <1, 0>
        ObjId: <0, 0>
        Prop: "key",
        action: "set A"
    	OpId: <2, 0>
        ObjId: <0, 0>
        Prop: "key",
        action: "set B"

In this case, root.get("key") will return the operation <2, 0>, and then we can know the value of root.key is B.

OpTree of Map Object

To organize the operations, we use a table, which is OpTree to store the operations associated with a particular object. And the operations in a Map object’s OpTree are sorted by two columns:

  1. Prop: Operations with the same property are grouped together.
  2. OpId: If two operations have the same prop, the operation with the lower OpId is placed before the other.

Since an OpTree is sorted by keys, we can use binary search to locate an operation with a particular key, which we will explore in more detail shortly.

Furthermore, there are two additional columns we have not mentioned before: successor and predecessor. In a map object, if operation A is to override another operation B, then we say operation A is a successor of operation B. We can now define an operation as “invisible” if it has a successor.


Let‘s say we have a code snippet in the following:

let mut doc = Automerge::new();
let mut tx = doc.transaction();
tx.put(ROOT, "name", "Alice")?;
tx.put(ROOT, "age", "21")?;
tx.put(ROOT, "age", "23")?;
tx.put(ROOT, "age", "24")?;
tx.put(ROOT, "name", "Bob")?;

It will result in an OpTree like this:

To query and delete an object in a OpTree, we could use the following code:

let mut tx = doc.transaction();
let name = tx.get(ROOT, "name")?;
tx.delete(ROOT, "age")?;

Let’s explain how get, put and delete works in pseudocode.


def get(table, prop):
	operations, _ := search(table, prop);
	last := operations[opertaions.len - 1];
	return last.action.value;

def search(table, prop):
	result := [];
	last_index = -1; // "index of the last operation in the result" + 1
	start_idx := index of the first row that matches `prop` // binary search
	end_idx := index of the last row of the `table`
	for i in range(start_idx, end_idx):
		if table[i].prop != prop:
			return result, i;
		if table[i].visible:
	return result, end_idx + 1;

Let’s consider an example of get(root, "name"):

  1. Initially, we use binary search to locate the starting position of the row where the prop is “name”, which is the row with index 3 in the figure above. Thus:
start_idx = 3;
end_idx = 4;
  1. We iterate through table[3] to table[4] and append op 5@actor0 to the result. Eventually, the search function returns ([op 5@actor0], 5).

  2. Finally, in the get function, we return the action.value of op 5@actor0, and as a result, we obtain the value of root.name, which is “Bob”.


def put(table, prop, value):
	operations, last_idx := search(table, prop)
	pred := []
	for operation in operations:
	local_op := {
		op: lamport_clock_inc(),
		obj: table.objId,
		action: "set {value}",
		succ: []
	add_succ(local_op.pred, local_op.op);
	insert_op(local_op, last_idx);

Let’s consider an example of put(root, "name", "Carol"):

  1. Initially, we use the search function to search for the predecessor and index, and it returns ([op 5@actor0], 5).
  2. Next, a successor is added for op 5@actor0, which is 6@actor0.
  3. Finally, op 6@actor0 is inserted at index 5 of the table.


def delete(table, prop):
	operations, _ := search(table, prop)
	pred := []
	for operation in operations:
	new_clock := lamport_clock_inc()
	add_succ(pred, new_clock)

Let’s consider an example of delete(root, "age"):

  1. We use the search function to find all currently visible operations where prop is age, and it returns ([4@actor0], 3).
  2. We update the successor of 4@actor0 to the newly generated OpId.

At this point, when we execute get(root, "age"), all operations where prop = age are invisible, so an empty result will be returned, and as a result, age is deleted.


In order to create a nested map, we also need to support the put_object operation.

def put_object(table, prop, obj_type):
	operations, last_idx := search(table, prop)
	pred := []
	for operation in operations:
	new_obj_id := lamport_clock_inc();
	local_op := {
		op: new_obj_id;
		obj: table.objId,
		action: "make {obj_type}",
		succ: []
	add_succ(local_op.pred, local_op.op);
	insert_op(local_op, last_idx);
	return new_obj_id;

For example, consider the following code snippet:

contact := put_object(root, "contact", Map);
put(contact, "email", "alice@example.com");
  1. Call the search function, which returns ([], 3) since no contacts exist at the moment.
  2. Generate a make map operation and add it to index 3 of the table.
  3. Function put_object returns the OpId 6@actor0, which is the object id of the newly created map.
  4. Using object id 6@actor0, we can access the OpTree of contact and insert the put, email, set "alice@example.com" operation into it.

Merge two documents

Merging two documents is equivalent to merging the operations of the two documents and updating the successors if necessary.

Considering the following code:

let mut doc1 = Automerge::new();
let mut tx = doc1.transaction();
tx.put(ROOT, "name", "Alice").unwrap();
tx.put(ROOT, "age", "21").unwrap();
tx.put(ROOT, "age", "22").unwrap();

let mut doc2 = doc1.fork();

let mut tx = doc1.transaction();
tx.put(ROOT, "age", "100").unwrap();

let mut tx = doc2.transaction();
tx.put(ROOT, "age", "99").unwrap();

doc1.merge(&mut doc2)?;
let mut tx = doc1.transaction();

let res = tx.get(ROOT, "age")?;
println!("{:?}", res); // print 99

Before merging, doc1 might look like this:

doc2 might look like this:

After merging, the resulting document might look like this:

In this case, we merge two documents by adding 4@actor1 from doc2 to doc1, which is missing from doc1. Then, since the predecessor of 4@actor1 is 3@actor0, we need to add 4@actor1 to the successors group of 3@actor0.

At this point, if you call get("age"), the search function will return two operations, 4@actor1 and 4@actor0. Since the get function takes the last operation as the result, it returns 4@actor1, which prints out 99 as the final result.

Furthermore, we have a function called get_all, which we can describe as follows:

def get_all(table, prop):
	operations, _ := search(table, prop);
	res = [];
	for op in operations:
	return res

In this example, calling get_all(age) will retrieve both 99 and 100. It behaves as a multi-value register.


Now we will add the List object to our document. Before we explain how to generate list operations, you need to understand what a Replicated Growable Array is 1.

We need to flatten the RGA tree into a table, just like what we did in Map. This is achieved by performing a Depth First Search (DFS) on the RGA tree. For example, for the following code snippet:

let mut doc1 = Automerge::new();
let mut tx = doc1.transaction();
let list = tx.put_object(ROOT, "list", ObjType::List)?;
tx.insert(&list, 0, "a")?;
tx.insert(&list, 1, "u")?;
tx.insert(&list, 2, "o")?;
tx.insert(&list, 2, "t")?;
tx.put(&list, 0, "A")?;

We can build the RGA tree like this:

We use DFS to traverse all nodes of the RGA tree and obtain the following table:

However, the RGA tree is only a conceptual model, and we do not actually maintain a tree in memory. Next, we will describe in pseudocode how to perform get, delete, put, and insert on this table.

Note: the definition of “index” can be confusing when used to refer to both the index of a table and the index of a list interchangeably. To prevent confusion, we will use the term “row number” to indicate the index of a table, while reserving the term “index” specifically for the index of a list.


Before diving into the get function, it’s important to note that in the actual implementation of Automerge, tables are implemented using B-trees. This allows for faster query processing. Specifically, we can maintain a variable visible in each node that indicates how many visible elements are in the subtree rooted at that node. If we determine that the element we are looking for is definitely not in the current subtree, we can skip the current subtree entirely.

However, for the sake of simplicity in describing the algorithm, we will assume that no subtrees are skipped. If you are interested in adapating the algorithms to B-Tree, you can delve into the source code for a more detailed understanding.

def get(table, index):
	operations, _ := nth(table, index);
	last := operations[operations.len - 1];
	return last.action.value;
def nth(table, index):
	// last element we've ever seen
	last_seen = null;
	// number of elements in array we've ever seen 
	seen = 0; 
	// current position
	pos := 0;
	// result operations
	res = [];
	for operation in table:
		// If the operation is "insert", we may have a new element traversed (although it's also possible that it's not an element due to a preceding "delete" operation), and in that case, we need to clear the "last_seen" variable.
		if operation is insert:
		// If we've already seen enough elements, we should return the result
			if seen > index:
				return res, pos;
			last_seen = null;
		// it could be a visible insert operation, or a visible put operation
		if operation is visible && last_seen is null:
			seen += 1;
			last_seen = operation;
		// if `seen` is greater than `index`, the current operation is what we're searching for
		if operation is visible && seen > index:
	return res, pos;

Considering get(list, 2) as an example:

  1. Start iterating from the beginning and when we reach index 4, seen is equal to 3. So we add operation 5@actor0 to the res list.
  2. Return the result, which is ([5@actor0], 4).
  3. By reading the value of operation 5@actor0, we get the final result t.


def delete(table, index):
	operations, _ := nth(table, index);
	pred := []
	for operation in operations:
	add_succ(pred, lamport_clock_inc());

Considering delete(list, 3) as an example:

  1. By calling the nth function, we obtain ([5@actor0], 4).
  2. We updated the successor of 5@actor0 to the newly generated OpId 7@actor0.


def put(table, index, value):
	operations, pos := nth(table, index);
	first := operations[0];
	if first is insert:
		prop := first.op;
		prop := first.prop;

	pred := []
	for operation in operations:
	local_op := {
    	op: lamport_clock_inc(),
    	obj: table.objId, 
    	action: "set {value}",
    	succ: null, 
    	insert: false,
	add_succ(pred, local_op.op);
	insert_op(local_op, pos);

Considering put(2, "T") as an example:

  1. By calling the nth function, we obtain ([5@actor0], 4).
  2. Add successor for op 5@actor0, which is 7@actor0.
  3. Finally, op 7@actor0 is inserted at row number 4 of the table.


def insert(table, index, value):
	insert_row_number, insert_prop := insert_nth(table, index);
	local_op := {
		op: lamport_clock_inc(),
		obj: table.objId,
		prop: insert_prop,
		action: "set {value}",
		succ: null,
		pred: null,
	insert_op(local_op, insert_row_number);
def insert_nth(table, index):
	// row number to be inserted at
	insert_row_number := -1;
	// prop of the operation to be inserted
	insert_prop := null;
	// last element we've ever seen
	last_seen := null
	// number of elements we've ever seen 
	seen := 0
	// current position
	pos := 0
	for operation in table:
	 	// If the operation is "insert", we may have a new element traversed (although it's also possible that it's not an element due to a preceding "delete" operation), and in that case, we need to clear the "last_seen" variable.
		if operation is insert:
			// If we've already seen enough elements, the current position is the position to be inserted at
			if insert_row_number == -1 && seen >= index: // greater than or equal
				insert_row_number = pos;
			last_seen = null;
		// it could be a visible insert operation, or a visible put operation
		// update seen, last_seen and insert_prop 
		if operation is visible && last_seen is null:
			// if we've already seen enough elements, return the insert index and prop
			if seen > index:
				return insert_row_number, insert_prop
			seen += 1;
			last_seen = operation;
			if operation is insert:
                insert_prop := operation.op;
                insert_prop := operation.prop;

	// if index exceeds the table
	insert_row_number = last row number of the table plus 1
	insert_prop = last insert operation of the table
	return insert_row_number, insert_prop

Considering insert(3, "a") as an example:

  1. When iterating to index 3, update the insert_prop as 5@actor0.
  2. When iterating to index 4, update the insert_row_number as 4.
  3. Construct an insert operation and insert it at row number 4.

Merge two documents

Like in maps, merging two documents is conceptually taking the union of two OpSets. Let’s consider the following code snippet:

let mut doc1 = Automerge::new();
let mut tx = doc1.transaction();

// auto
let list = tx.put_object(ROOT, "list", ObjType::List)?;
tx.insert(&list, 0, "a")?;
tx.insert(&list, 1, "u")?;
tx.insert(&list, 2, "o")?;
tx.insert(&list, 2, "t")?;
tx.put(&list, 0, "A")?;

// matic
let mut doc2 = doc1.fork();
let mut tx = doc2.transaction();
tx.insert(&list, 4, "m")?;
tx.insert(&list, 5, "a")?;
tx.insert(&list, 6, "t")?;
tx.insert(&list, 7, "i")?;
tx.insert(&list, 8, "c")?;

// merge
let mut tx = doc1.transaction();
tx.insert(&list, 4, "m")?;
tx.insert(&list, 5, "e")?;
tx.insert(&list, 6, "r")?;
tx.insert(&list, 7, "g")?;
tx.insert(&list, 8, "e")?;

// automaticmerge
doc1.merge(&mut doc2)?;
for (i, val1, id) in doc1.list_range(&list, ..) {
    let val2 = doc1.get(&list, i)?;
    println!("{:?}", val2);

doc1 before merging:

doc2 before merging:

After merging:


[1] H.-G. Roh, M. Jeon, J.-S. Kim, and J. Lee, “Replicated abstract data types: Building Blocks for Collaborative Applications,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 354–368, 2011. doi:10.1016/j.jpdc.2010.12.006