

Hi there! My name is Liangrun Da, and I’m a computer science master student at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). My research interests include distributed systems, formal verification, and programming languages.

I do various things:

  • I’m currently working with Martin Kleppmann on conflict-free replicated data types (CRDT).
  • I developed an easy-to-understand and formally verified implementation of Raft consensus algorithm named Raft Lite.
  • I developed several distributed database systems, including LLRStore, a Dynamo-like KV database, and StorgataDB, a distributed RESP-compatible database using Raft.
  • I developed a bitcask storage engine in Rust, a log-structured hash table for key-value storage, supporting compaction and crash recovery.
  • I was a software engineer at Tencent in WeChat Group from 2021 to 2022.

Talks and Papers

Recent Posts

Revisit CAP Theorem in Blockchain

Please don't use CAP theorem in blockchain!
2 min read

Model Checking: Use Stateright to Formally Verify Raft Lite

This post introduces how I use stateright to formally verify Raft Lite, a rust implementation of Raft consensus algorithm.
8 min read